| | 
Email from Gilberto's Fans
 | La timesFrom: John W. Smart [Smrtmnky@attbi.com]
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 12:23 AM
To: welovegilberto@welovegilberto.com
Subject: La times
Just read the article in the Los Angeles time about Gilberto. GET THE MAN HIS
John Smart
 | From: Lew Thoman [l.thoman@worldnet.att.net]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 2:59 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: indefensible outrage
THIS IS IN-EXCUSABLE..........I will never come in and eat there again....You
KNOW these charges are un-founded and trumped up by dis-gruntled and jealous
nazi-feminists.........Louise in Mobile,Ala
 | From: Dana Taulli [dana@computaught.com]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 8:51 AM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
I read the article and read the letters on your website. However, what was
not clear was exactly why he was fired. Being in the restaurant and bar
business in all aspect from bartender, to waiter, to manager, I find myself
curious to what exactly happened for a 23 year veteran to be dismissed on
one allegation alone. The restaurant/bar business is a different animal of
its own and the "sexual harassment" lines are very loosely drawn. What
most people in other professions would have been fired and sued over are
almost a day-to-day activity if you work in this industry. I know that
most people in this industry also are very tolerant of sexual misconduct
between other employees and customers and even joke right back. However,
there are those people who do not find such misconduct funny and do find it
harassing. I feel for Gilberto and see that he had a very large fan
base. However, if he is as popular and good in his profession as your
letters suggest that he is, then he will have no problem finding another
position. However, there are some letters that are posted that almost
turned my stomach. In particular, the letter from Mickey Easterling. My
comment would be if this spoiled, overgrown child thinks that his/her
knowledge of the restaurant industry is so all-encompassing, then go out
and start your own restaurant. People like that are the ones who gets
unexpected gifts in their food. And believe me, that does happen. Good
luck to Gilberto and I am sure that with such loyalty, he will do fine at
any other restaurant.
Dana Taulli
New Client Service Manager |
 | From: Nancy Schwaninger [schwan@bluewin.ch]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 2:40 AM
To: bringhimback@weloveGilberto.com
Subject: Swiss fans!
Dear Gilberto, As a LSUMC Professor I lived in New Orleans from 1974-85 and
frequently visited Galatoires. I always enjoyed bringing guests there. In 1985
I moved back to Lucerne, Switzerland but returned to New Orleans every summer
to teach the Orthodontic graduate students. A visit to Galatoires every July
was a pleasure and I have always asked for Gilberto to serve us. This July my
wife and I were in N.O's but we skipped our annual visit to Galatoires,
partially because we would have missed Gilberto and also due to our experience
the summer before. At that time we felt that the manner & style of the
restaurant which we so enjoyed in the 70's & 80's had lost it's "flavor"!
Gilberto, we love you and wish you the very best for your future!
Dr. and Mrs. Bernhard Schwaninger
Lucerne, Switzerland
P.S.Let us know where you are working!!
 | From: schonwalder.org [schonwalder@schonwalder.org]
Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 8:26 PM
To: welovegilberto@welovegilberto.com
Subject: Bravo! Bravo!
I feel with Gilberto for many reasons, one being that I have waited on tables
for over 37 years, second I too know the feeling of losing a job I had counted
on for much too long.
In general, we waiters get the boot when we get old and slow, and no one cares
too much. Customers may ask for some time to come “Where is he?”
Yet like a pebble in a water-bucket the waves go soon.
Therefore I think it’s an excellent cause giving Gilberto’s firing the media
attention it needs.
These days when even High-Rolling-Accountants have to fess up to their methods
of keeping books, why shouldn’t we ask restaurant owners what formula they use
to play God.
Taking his job away after so many years should be for a good reason, why did
they keep Gilberto so many years in the first place?
They actually should pay him royally for the excellent advertising Gilberto
and friends have been doing for those restaurant owners.
To show my support I have added your WE LOVE GILBERTO site to my Hottest Sites
www.1999hs2000.com/Gastronomy/hot.htm to let my readers know about your
Have a most beautiful day now.
helmut schonwalder
The Waiter’s Digest
 | From: Paul Griffin [griffin@atu587.com]
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 2:47 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: fired waiter
Seattle is a union town. And if an employee is accused of something the labor
agreement requires the management to do a complete and through investigation.
Then if there was wrong-doing the discipline must be consistent with
"progressive" discipline. So called harassment between peer employees is not
grounds for termination until it is 1)repeated and unwanted 2) the recipient
notifies the perpetrator to stop 3) the incident is documented 4) there are
creditable witness of record. So perhaps the restaurant management is
incompetitent. Perhaps the employees need union representation. Perhaps some
people just need to take a deep breath and get over it.
 | FiestaFrom: Betty Fry [sunshyne2222@hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 12:43 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: Msg from PA
Hi Gilberto,
My new husband and I were returning from our Honeymoon and read your USA Today
article. We have never been to New Orleans let alone the restaurant you were
famous in, but felt that we had to write to show our support. My husband was
surprised that I was so adamant in support of you because of the alleged
harassment charges, but I say history speaks for itself .
It must be said (and I haven't heard this anywhere else) that you MUST open
your own restaurant now. You are so famous and have worked in the business so
long that it would have to be a success. I am a teacher and my husband is in
sales, but we both worked in and ran restaurants so we're there with you.
Keep the Faith,
Mike and Betty Fry
 | From: Bioya68@aol.com
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 12:08 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: Gilberto
I don't know Gilberto and and am not familiar with Galatorie's but would
suggest the following to the letter writers who are critical of the uproar
when the world around us is "falling apart" (USA Today): Precisely because
the world is "falling apart" people like Gilberto and the old, familiar
Galatorie's are doubly important; At a time when the political prostitutes
that run state and federal governments continue to approve larger and larger
and more and more mergers eradicating local banks, local phone companies, and
smaller family run businesses, Gilberto and Galatorie's provide comfort not
found elsewhere; When mindless bureaucrats and layer of layer of voice mail
deprive us of the human contact usually necessary to conduct business in a
satisfactory, time-efficient manner, Gilberto and Galatorie's can sooth our
souls. Don't let computers, and voice mail and robotic business practices
take that away from us!!!
 | From: Aldridgeml@aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 9:22 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: FIRING......
 | From: jeffrey johnson [steelsin@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 8:31 PM
To: BringHimBack@WeLoveGilberto.com
Subject: "Thanks for the memories"
Gilberto has attended all my major milestone birthdays, of late, not because
we chose to invite him but because we chose him to host them and he did in a
style that
can best be appreciated by local and loyal benefactors of his hospitality.
While I no longer can be considered a local, I reside in Alabama, I too feel
the loss of a special New Orleans tradition. Does it rank with headline
disasters such as 9/11 . NO. But
in life there is still a need for continuity, for celebration, for tradition.
To see a restaurant, which has thrived for so long distinctly different from
the other restaurants, in the City known for great food and celebration, make
such radical changes does not
make much sense. Nor more sense than opening a red lobster in Maine or pushing
instant coffee in Seattle, or Cheese wizz in Wisconsin. I understand
business, economics and political correctness and I do not think anyone should
be exempt
from the law or rules,( remember Bill) however, my five year old (who visited
this ONCE highly regarded establishment as an infant) can make better
decisions than the current management. To make the changes they have made and
overreacted to a manageable incident is short sighted and cowardly. It was the
easy/safe thing to do. Was termination justified? Was Gilbert's position more
accountable than that of the first office, sorry Bill, but NOT. Bringing
Gilbert back would be cause for celebration but many supporters will still
question the issues of the expansion, dress code, reservations and eggplant
skin. Like much of corporate America, Galatoires, in a rush for profits, will
discard their uniqueness which will in the long run hit the bottom line. I
wouldn't want to be their accountant. The write off for goodwill for such a
situation was never conceived when estabishing the Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles. No doubt , this in time will be a case study for MBAs
and local historians alike.
On the eve of my wife's birthday, I am left with the distinctive memories of
times gone by an echo of
"Ladies & Gentleman we have a Birthday to CELEBRATE tonight,a Onea, a twoa and
a threea, Happy Birthday
Gilberto, Galatoire's, if you see this posting, please take the above as an
appreciation for times past and not "another judgement" ;but as critical
which may be beneficial to all of us. a Win-win- win situation.
Thanks for the good times !
 | From: Michele Wynn Gerhard [chefwynn@cajunnet.com]
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 1:00 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: Long live New Orleans tradition!
Good afternoon!
Learning of the imminent "Galatoire's Monologues" finally prompted me into
action. Love it! If that is not New Orleans for you, I simply do not know what
In support of the cause, I have put together a short piece about the Gilberto
saga. It is now floating about in cyberspace for all to see:
Hope you enjoy it, and that it meets with your approval. Please feel free to
let me know if there is anything else I can do. And please let me know the
latest. Just exactly where IS Gilbert? And what is the latest Galatoire's
Best regards,
Michele Gerhard
La Belle Cuisine
 | Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 1:10 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: (no subject)
Dear Gilbert,
I am so sorry this unpleasant mess for you has taking place at
''Galatoire's''. I too am a creature of habit and hate to go through any
change. Perhaps you may be happier in the long run. I hope and pray it would
be so for you and will be to your advantage, things happen in a stranger ways.
There's is no doubt your dismissal has caused a lot of grief to many people.
You are such a marvelous waiter. You made Galatoire's for Paul and me for the
ten years we've lived in New Orleans. You always knew what we wanted and
suggested such satisfying dishes. I've received a letter from Mr. Gooch
representing the Board of Directors Galatoire's stating they had reconsidered
the incident and due to some ''code'' couldn't change their decision-which
they regretted very much.
So I never understand what happened but I'm sure you conducted yourself
properly in any case. ''Gilbert'', please keep in touch! I've have always
considered you a true friend and, I never want to lose track of my true
friends. I wish the very best for you and your family. I miss New Orleans and
my friends there so very much.
Fondlly Always,
11,July 2002 |
 | |
 | Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 12:45 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: (no subject)
July 13,2002
May we identify ourselves as the two ''senior citizens'' would arrive at 5:00
and head toward the table you told us was the favorite of Tennessee Williams!
One of us is the martini kid and the other drinks Jackson Chardonnay-we will
bring along tow attracted ladies as our guests. You made us all feel so
special, as we think you are too! We are disturbed about you and can only hope
our paths can cross us somewhere down the line!
god bless! Sincerely,
Senior citizens |
 | Subject: Galatoires, the Guatamalian(sic) Fruit Wars, and Huey P. Long
A July 20th email posted on Tom Fitzmorris dinning forum:
AP is on the case . . . Now in the newsrooms of the world, personalities are
emerging. It's just
possible that the regulars are headed for world fame, as is Mr. Rodrigue. The
Gilberto website is now updated with the AP article by Doug Simpson which
quotes Mr. Stinson as follows:
``The mise en scene is as good as it gets in New Orleans,'' said John Stinson,
an antiques dealer who takes clients to Galatoire's several times a year.
``The drinks are stiff, you're never hurried. The best dinners I've ever had
in my life I had at Galatoire's.''
And quotes Mr. Holditch:
``Something drastic is afoot, a renovation not only of the physical features
of the classic old Creole eatery, but a renovation of its very soul,'' W.
Kenneth Holditch, a retired University of New Orleans literature professor,
said in a letter of protest.
All the misfits of the world will flock to New Orleans to be part of the scene
at Galatoire's. Armies will be employed to keep the rich and famous out of the
restaurant. Stinson and Holditch will hire their own armies to get in the
door. The days of the Guatamalian Fruit Wars are coming back in the ghost of
Zemurray. And, Huey P. is smiling once again. We are famous, folks.
Jazzcab |
 | From: Rexamus86@aol.com
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 4:38 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: Celebrities Love Gilberto
It is simply unthinkable to even consider Galatoire's without Gilberto. He
was the entertainment industry's key to New Orleans dining. The last time I
was there I took Patricia Neal, Richard Thomas, Stephanie Zimbalist and
Elizabeth Ashley to Galatoire's and Gilberto welcomed us with open arms even
though we were unexpected and did not want to stand in line. Stars remember
that kind of special treatment. I do not know the facts, so I don't want to
barbecue Galatoire's management for stupidity, but this is very much part of
the problem. There's a serious communications gap here and if Galatoire's
expects to maintain its reputation (which Gilberto has always been a major
part of) then the restaurant needs to lay its cards on the table. Customer
confidence needs to be restored as soon as possible. Unless Gilberto is
missing, retired or dead, his status at Galatoire's must be verified at once.
REX REED, film critic, New York Observer
 | From: Charles Quantrell [burndowntheliquorstore@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 10:58 AM
To: BringHimBack@WeLoveGilberto.com
Subject: Rodrigue the Manager
Dear Darlings,
The Galatoire's Board has proven itself far too imaginatively slippery to
replace the smirking Mr. Rodrigue with Richard Simmons, as suggested on the
We Love Gilberto home page. The Board's commitment to the obsolescence of a
century's worth of restaurant tradition behooves that a televangilst be
hired to replace Manager Rodrigue after he takes on his new job as a model
with the Ex-Congressman James Trafficant Hair (which the strangely haired
Harry Rosenberg owns shares in) and Haute Fashion Club. Until Rodrigue's
hair went bad and he began wearing a maroon suit, he had the distinct look
and feel and shoulder-to-shoulder snigger while speaking in tongues about
the Gilberto Case of the televangist Reverend Robert Tilton. Most of the
Sexual Harrassmentists would not be able to tell the difference between the
old Rodrigue and Tilton; yet Tilton's hire would greatly lower the standing
of Galatoire's in the minds of the Uptown and sweet smelling Quarter set,
the Galatoire's plan all long. ---Charles Quantrell |
 | From: robert bray [rbray@mtsu.edu]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 9:43 AM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: Gilberto
Gilberto has been my waiter for ten years, and whenever I come to New Orleans
I have always contacted him ahead of time to make sure he will be there. Being
at Galatoire's without Gilbert at the table will be like being on a jetliner
without a pilot in the cockpit.
Robert Bray
Murfreesboro Tn |
 | From: Pete [pete@kramers.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 3:59 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: how stupid.....
Management, is just not thinking here.....how unfortunate.....
Bring back Gilberto!!
Pete |
 | From: Shari Curry [algiersbeauty@insideneworleans.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 2:30 PM
To: BringHimBack@WeLoveGilberto.com
Subject: Help For Gilberto
Hi. I just posted a message on the Inside New Orleans website and I
thought you might be interested in taking a look.
<<Everyone seems to be talking about Gilberto being fired and trying
to get his job back. If he has been out of work for almost 3 months
he must be in a dire financial situation by now and I was wondering
if there is any sort of fund set up where people can donate a few
bucks in order to help him and his family through this difficult
time? I have looked over the WeLoveGilberto.com website and I don't
see anything about it there. If there isn't one, would anybody be
interested in helping me start one up? >>
 | From: Chris Rose [noroses@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 4:43 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: a reading of the letters
Chris Rose here from Times-Picayune...Le Chat Noir would like to stage a
reading of excerpts of some of the letters to Galatoire's on Monday night,
July 29, free and open to the public, with various actors and celebrities
performing the readings.
It's a just a reason to get a bunch of people together and have a laugh. What
would be the official position of welovegilberto.com on this matter.
Thanks. |
 | From: Lilaqfan@aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 9:02 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: Increible!
Dear Sirs:
I am absolutely flabbergasted at the news that Gilbert was fired from
Galatoire's. Gilbert was not just a waiter he was a dear, dear friend. Any
trip home to New Orleans was anticipated not just because I'd be seeing family
and friends, but because I would have to choose my dining excursions
carefully. In the past, they automatically included Galatoire's. I may no
longer keep it as high on the priority list without Gilbert there.
I understand completely the sexual harassment laws. I also know in my soul
that Gilbert did not sexually harass anyone. I will sorely miss Gilbert at
Galatoire's, but hopefully he will remain a part of my close circle of friends
in New Orleans.
I'm especially glad that my father was not alive to see this one. He is, no
doubt, turning over in his grave.
Sally Newsham Inglis |
 | From: Lcondrey@aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 8:35 PM
To: BringHimBack@welovegilberto.com
Subject: (no subject)
My husband and I have enjoyed Gilbert's fine attentions as our waiter for
several years. We were quite shocked when we took our children there for
Mother's Day celebration the Sat. evening before to find that he was gone.
Gilbert was always thoughtful enough to ask about the children each time we
dined and we were excited to finally introduce them. I just want to let him
know that we miss him and hope he is okay. I also hope we'll see him back at
Galatoire's soon.
Lisa and Joseph Ward
 | From: Marcel Valois [marcelv@charter.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 5:59 PM
To: ken@kencocomputer.com
Subject: Re: We Love Gilberto
We love him too.
Marcel L. Valois
927 W. 14th Ave.
Covington, LA. 70433-2413 |
 | If he is out so should sheFrom: Cox, Kelly [Kelly.Cox@warnerbros.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 4:49 PM
To: 'bringhimback@welovegilberto.com'
Cc: 'Mary Turner - Complete Post'; 'Kerry Hamilton'; 'Liz Thompson'
Subject: If he is out so should she
People that accuse are just as guilty as those charged! This is a free country
and the accuser's are to be questioned!
Albeit, I have never met this waiter - however, I have enjoyed many a meal at
this restaurant! As a matter of fact this was the first place I ate the first
time I visited New Orleans. So given this example - both should go to a
counselor and work through their communication issues and go forward. In
today's economy and work environment it important to keep people that are
assets to an organization properly trained and educated with respect to the
rules and regulations regarding these sensitive issues.
Fair and respectful of all! |
 | From: Livaudais Jr, Alfred [livaday@entercomp.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 4:25 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: Letter to Board
I am a native New Orleanian who spent many years away from the city as a
career Army
officer. After retirement, my family and I settled in Alabama. Nonetheless, I
made many
trips home- I still do - and on each trip make a special effort to dine at
Needless to say, I was quite disappointed to learn of Gilbert's firing last
April. I
sent the attached letter to the Board of Directors and wanted to share the
letter with
you. I certainly do not know of the circumstances surrounding Gilbert's
dismissal, but
do know that his departure will change the "flavor" of Galatoire's for some
time to come.
Alfred F. Livaudais, Jr.
LTC, U.S. Army (ret) |
Attorneys at Law
510 N. Daleville Avenue • P.O. Drawer 70
Daleville, AL 36322
EVERETT M. URECH * Telephone (334) 598-4455
ALFRED F. LIVAUDAIS, JR.** Fax (334) 598-2076
*Also Admitted in Texas daleatty@snowhill.com
**Also Admitted in Louisiana
July 16, 2002
Board of Directors
Galatoire's Restaurant, Inc.
209 Bourbon Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70130
Re: Gilberto Eyzaguirre
Dear Board Members:
I am a native New Orleanian who, after military service, now resides in
Alabama. I
recently read a July 7, 2002 Times-Picayune article concerning the
restaurant's firing of the
person who I would assert was the best member of the wait staff. The purpose
of this letter is to
join the many Galatoire's faithful who have already voiced dismay over
Gilbert's termination and
to urge the members of the Board to reconsider its decision.
I returned to New Orleans many times throughout the years of my military
service and, on
each trip, made a special effort to dine at Galatoire's. It goes without
saying that Gilbert was
fixture at the restaurant. I can think of no other restaurant in any of my
travels where a waiter
remembered me by name, as did Gilbert, even if my visits were years apart. But
it is more than
remembering a name; Gilbert's impeccable service and splendid personality was
as much a part of
the Galatoire's dining experience as is the food. Professional waiters like
Gilbert make
Galatoire's what it is.
Again, I hope you will review your decision to terminate Gilbert and reinstate
him as a
member of your staff. Thank you for considering my comments.
Alfred F. Livaudais, Jr.
LTC, U.S. Army (Ret.)
AFL/dfl |
 | From: Richard M. Taylor [rtay350@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 12:21 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
It sounds like you all have separation issues!! Gilberto is gone FACE IT!!
People get fired all the time whether it is a legitimate claim or not!! One of
the lawyers that wrong a fan letter should represent Gilberto in a wrongful
discharge or slander suit against the restaurant for free. Commander's Palace
should hire Gilberto and all you fans should switch to commander's as your
restaurant of choice. FACE IT....Gilberto's life would never be the same even
if he was hired back. MANAGEMENT would never welcome him back and REALLY mean
it. |
 | From: "BE IN LIKE FLYNN" [flynnmar@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 10:32 AM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
In this age of Political Correctness, Corporations and criminals all get
"Rehabilitation Training Seminars" of some sort....Before the Lawyers appear,
perhaps Gilbert, the young ladies and Management could reach a "compromise"
and Gilbert could be "Rehabilitated"??... Having to watch all those videos,
perhaps more than once, could be extremely painful. Win Win for customersl...The
young ladies make their point...and a man becomes wiser without his career
being shattered. Or alas, is that just using too much common sense?
Maryflynn Thomas
 | From: Duke [enduke@mcn.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 7:38 AM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Cc: Ben Duke; jr; ponyduke
Subject: crabmeat maison &souffle potato
I am now a rancher in Montana, but i still have my number at Galatoire's! And
whenever Gilberto saw me come in ,usually years in between visits, he always
asked for me and took care of my party, ight down to remembering what id
probably have,what i was drinking,etc.
To me gilberto IS Gallatoire's.
To err is human, and New Orleans is the most forgiving carefree city on the
planet. Forgive gilberto for his transgressions,please!!! And let the good
times roll again!!!
George St George Biddle duke
 | From: James Rose [jrose10@optonline.net]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 7:13 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
 | From: IMEDIC@aol.com
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 2:55 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: FIRING
 | From: Ginger M. Shands [gshands@dixie-net.com]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 10:40 AM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: news
I did not know of Gilbert's situation until this weekend. I am sick!
My family lives in McComb and has been eating at Galatoire's for 5
generations. The last time I was there was to celebrate my father's 84th b-day
and, of course, Gilbert took care of us. We have celebrated numerous
birthdays, anniversaries and just good times in this wonderful restaurant, but
I can assure you it won't be the same without Gilbert! The loss of Cesar was
hard enough, yet we didn't have a choice in that situation. This one is
different. Gilbert has served too many good years to be set aside so easily. I
hope to see him back soon! Ginger (Moore) Shands
 | From: vjules [vjules@midsouth.rr.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2002 12:55 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
My husband and I were married in New Orleans and dined at Galatoire's that
evening. Nothing could be more special than staying at Windsor Court and
dining at Galatoire's. We had planned to return to New Orleans every year and
relive our wonderful day. This year we won't be returning. Windsor Court
coupled with Galatoire's won't be the same without Gilbert and I'm truly sad
that our memories are all that my husband and I will share of those magical
Julie Cruber
 | From: Heather Redmann [redhetty@goteborg.utfors.se]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2002 11:39 AM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Just writing from Göteborg, Sweden. Had big plans for visiting New Orleans and
eating at Galatoire's, but no idea that such fine traditions we have read
about, over here in Sweden, were changing so...It is such a shame, because one
looks forward to such, especially when visiting New Orleans, and the states,
even for the first time.
I have always read and heard that New Orleans was the one place where such
tradition of food and service---like that I had previously read of
Galatoire's---was a reliable reality.
It seems to me, that even as a future tourist of the city, such traditions
should be protected...or there will no longer be a tradition to protect...and
your tourists will choose to go elsewhere. I mean, New Orleans isn't a chosen
destination in the summers' for its heat!
Hope things are rectified before our arrival.
But at least there are other options in the city for dining.
Best of luck,
 | From: edgar mauricio sierra jimenez [edgarmau@prodigy.net]
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 5:02 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: waiter
Dear Gilbert;
just want to say that at work everyone's talking about it. and it seems
that claims of sexual harassment are pretty strong. for the sake of your good
last name (you do know that Eyzaguirre is a basque last name, right?) i hope
you get your gig back. landing a good waiter's job in this town is hard, and
it sucks
to be without one, specially in new orleans. so, i hope that the claims are
untrue and that you get your job back. i really don't know what happened, but
hope that all this hysteria dies away. i just want to read other letters in
the paper other than this bull.
edgar. |
 | Jules J. Jordy, Jr.
2339 Palmer Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70118
Telephone: 861-xxxx
10 July, 2002
Letters to the Editor
3800 Howard Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70125
Subject: Change in Galatoire’s Restaurant
As a New Orleans native recently returned from a lifetime abroad, the articles
and letters recently published concerning Galatoire’s have aroused my
interest. The ongoing uproar brings to mind a parallel situation I witnessed
in Madrid, Spain a quarter century ago, involving the clash of conservative
tradition with The New World Order, which I cannot help but believe is an
inexorable slide of Western culture toward a so-called classless,
‘lowest-common-denominator’ type society.
My grandfather, a surgeon and professor of medicine at Tulane, was a ‘regular’
at Galatoire’s. He ate in that arrogant but delicious old anachronism of a
place almost every day during the ‘20s and ‘30s. I was not able to continue in
the tradition because my parents left New Orleans right after WWII, to live in
About ten years ago, after living in Spain and France for over 35 years, I
returned to the United States - back to my roots. Why back to New Orleans?
Mainly because there exists no other place in this country that has remained –
until recently – The Bastion of proud individuality, uniquely decadent and
often blatantly elitist – yes, elitist - traditions still to be found embedded
in the cultures of this city’s progenitors, Spain and France. But the ongoing
fuss over Galatoire’s provides sad but unmistakable evidence that the
fortified walls of this wonderfully wicked old Bastion are crumbling. Poor Old
New Orleans will soon become another drab, politically correct parody – like
that fake castle one sees rising at the end of Disneyland’s Main Street USA.
It is obvious that the young man hired to run Galatoire’s is carrying out,
with Machiavellian zeal, his mandate to Increase the Bottom Line. A sexual
harassment lawsuit in today’s social climate is certainly an efficient and
effective way of getting rid of an ‘old school holdout.’ And be assured that
when other traditionalists are perceived as obstacles to Increasing the Bottom
Line, they won’t stand a chance…
The evolution – or revolution - taking place at Galatoire’s is almost
congruent with what happened to La Gran Tasca de Manolo, one of the finest
restaurants in Madrid until the early 1970’s. It was an elegant but
understated place, patronized in years gone by upper class Spaniards and
foreign notables like Ernest Hemingway.
I was a ‘regular’ at Manolo’s, where I was always waited upon with great
affection by an old man named Eusebio. He was my waiter and he had worked
there for thirty years. Just as at Galatoire’s each of the Gran Tasca’s
individual waiters served a faithful following of customers, sometimes over
several family generations.
In the early ‘70s I moved to Paris for a couple of years, but upon returning
to Madrid made a beeline for the Gran Tasca de Manolo. Alas! The place was
unrecognizable – neon sign above the door, new waiters dressed in shiny black
tuxedoes instead of traditional white jackets. I was led by one of these young
characters (who was constantly rubbing his hands together like a snake-oil
salesman) over to a smorgasbord exhibit displaying the most expensive imported
delicacies. I was shown a price list that would have given pause to Aristotle
Onassis. When I asked Manolo (grandson of the Tasca’s founder) about my old
waiter, he informed me that Eusebio had retired.
Well, I ran into my old friend a few days later. He was waiting tables for a
café on the Plaza Mayor. He told me that all the old waiters at the Gran Tasca
had been fired for refusing to hawk the new menu of expensive fare - dishes of
unknown quality, he explained - to customers they had been serving for
“Has Manolo gone mad?” I asked.
“Maybe,” Eusebio answered, “but he is now the owner of a brand new Mercedes
Benz car, with a chauffeur.”
I am not attempting herewith to make a case either for Gilberto or for
Galatoire’s… but the soul withers, doesn’t it?
Just imagine some sweaty tourist in a baseball cap and sneakers, from Dallas
or Kansas City, with toothpick twirling between his lips, demanding A-1 Sauce
for the trout amandine and ketchup to put on the soufflé potatoes…
Jules Jordy, Jr.
 | From: Landry, Susan [Susan.Landry@marriott.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 8:03 AM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: Fan in Tucson
Hello all,
I have never had the opportunity to either dine at Galatoire's nor have
Gilberto wait on my table. This is my new mission in life. I am in the process
of relocating to New Orleans and this mission is a "must do".
I hope to see all of you there and I so look forward to my dining experience
with Gilberto at Galatoire's.
Sincerely Moved by your Article,
Susan Landry
 | From: Mike Guiza [mguiza@bohbros.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 10:01 AM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: Firing of Gilberto & other changes
The firing of excellent waiters is in line with the new dining rooms upstairs,
the acceptance of credit cards, the downgrading of a proper dress code and the
placing of various condiments on every table which are not yet required to
improve Galatorie's cuisine!
Michael D. Guiza - VP Underground Utilities Dept.
Boh Brothers Const. Co., L.L.C.
Telephone 504.827.7630
Toll Free 1.800.284.3377
FAX 504.821.0714
EMAIL mguiza@bohbro.com |
 | From: Richard Lake [rlake@sugar-land.oilfield.slb.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 4:32 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: I also love Gilberto "Tio" Eyzaguirre very much and loathe
Melvin "The Adulterator" Rodrigue
I would just like to say how much I love Gilbert for staying at Galatoire's
as long as he did with that wretched punk Melvin working there. Melvin is one
of the biggest phonies I've ever met and I'm not surprised
that he fired Gilbert. That man has had an itch to get rid of Gilbert and
all the other "old timers" at Galatoire's since he arrived there. Shame on
the Board of Directors. Even though I'm only 25 and not apart of the
esoteric elite that frequents the place I can appreciate a "true waiter"
who really goes the distance to provide their customers with an
unforgettable dining experience. I will never go back to Galatoire's after
this. I'm sorry, but I feel like I would just be wasting my money! I
think Gilbert should open up his own restaurant, REALLY. God knows it
wouldn't be as gaudy as the upstairs of Galatoire's. In fact, if he does
I'll quit my job as a chemical engineer to go work for him, that's a promise!
 | From: Hawkins, Nick [nhawkins@nmh.org]
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 10:37 AM
To: 'bringhimback@welovegilberto.com'
Subject: Times-Picayune article on obscurestore.com
The Times-Picayune article about Gilberto's firing appeared on
obscurestore.com. I must frankly confess - the last time I was in New Orleans
and dined out, I had the privilege of having dinner at Galatoire's. And I can
legitimately say that this is the only time that a dining experience surpassed
the joy of sex. Sad but true. I hope this gets resolved, otherwise I'll have
to stick with dining at other establishments.
Nick Hawkins
Chicago, IL |
 | From: DougDeet@aol.com
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 5:05 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: (no subject)
Being another native who has moved on to a more progressive city (Chicago) I
have always enjoyed going back to Galatoire's with friends and family and felt
at home again. Gilberto was always so kind to my late Mother and late Aunt. It
is such a shame to here of Gilberto being let go. I will think very hard as to
what restaurant I will visit in the future when my travels bring be back to
the Crescent City. Gilbert WAS Galatoire's to me!
Doug Deethardt
Chicago, IL |
 | From: Susan and Harry Gilbert [gilbert4@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Sunday, July 07, 2002 3:57 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: Galatoire's managment
I think the new management came here on a load of goats. They don't seem to
recognize "true waiter talent" when it is staring them in the face. This man,
Gilberto, truly cared about his clients. Bring him back. We miss him.
Susan Gilbert (no relation to Gilberto)
 | From: Ernest Burguieres [eab3@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Sunday, July 07, 2002 3:52 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Cc: me me
Subject: Gilberto
Dear Sirs:
After reading the article in the T-P and locating this website I began
thinking of another slice of New Orleans slipping from my fingers into the
depths of experience that will only be enjoyed through memories. Those
qualities, those experiences, sometimes not quite out of the 18th or 19th
century, form the essence of that which distinguishes New Orleans from "Every
City, USA". We may not always appreciate it, we may not always like it, but
it's kind of like enjoying Rome, or Venice and not really caring if there
isn't a Time Saver open all night. It is what it is, or unfortunately, it is
what it was. We may still go to Galatoire's, but it will slowly drift into the
ranks of those places that now trade on a name as opposed to a reputation. It
soulnds like too many family members want to feast on this old mule. |
 | From: Elizabeth Ogden [mynameiselizabeth@hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 07, 2002 12:25 PM
To: BringHimBack@WeLoveGilberto.com
Subject: Changes in General
To Whom It May Concern,
The many letters and quotes I have read today are mostly from older people who
have been attending Galatoire's for years and "don't like change." Let me just
say this: I am a teenager, a girl who has been going to Galatoire's for my
shorter, but entire life. Someone my age likes change, likes things to be fun,
hip, or trendy am disguisted with the acts of Galatoire's. No, I am not just
speaking of Gilbert (who was a waiter of mine several times) but of the
changes in general of the restaurant. I was APPALLED last time I went to
Galatoire's with friends. We were dressed very nicely while two couples were
sitting at the table next to us in blue jeans or black jeans material! Now, i
wear this clothing all the time. But it is NOT APPROPRIATE for the atmosphere.
It is an insult to the restaurant. When I complained, I was told that the
restaurant had no choice in lowering the dress code as to compete with the
other French Quarter Restaurants. This is an outrage. Just as Gilbert has been
fired, and the dress code lowered--who is at fault for all of these
unnecessary changes? Let it be known that people of ALL ages are disgusted by
the events. Thank you. Beth |
 | From: JohnDo2000@aol.com
Sent: Sunday, July 07, 2002 11:48 AM
To: BringHimBack@welovegilberto.com
Gilberto has been my waiter for about ten years now. Even though I have known
about his unfortunate departure from Galatoire's, I still request him whenever
I dine simply to let the restaurant know of his popularity.
He has been the best waiter that I have ever. When friends of mine come in
town, I bring them to Galatoire's and tell them that the service is just as
good of a reason to come as the food is. I have taken friends there three
times this summer only to dissapoint the vision of Galatoire's that I gave
During my most recent visit, my bus boy knew more about the menu than did our
waiter. Although the food continued to meet my expectations, the service that
used to command respect had earned a poor rating from my party.
The recent lack of enforcement of the dress code only adds to my
dissapointment with how the restaurant has been managing itself within the
past year.
I often like to read travel guides of my own city just to see what attracts
tourists to certain venues and restaurants. Reading the Zaggat's review of
Galatoire's reminds me of the dining experience that I used to have there.
I will always go to Galatoire's because I am confident that the restaurant is
aware of the integrity that it must maintain. You can go almost anywhere in
New Orleans for great food at any price. I go to Galatoire's for the history,
the environment, and the service. It will soon be the same restaurant that it
always was.
 | From: EBourg@aol.com
Sent: Sunday, July 07, 2002 10:39 AM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: hit them in the pocketbook
The only way to get to the bottom of this is to "Hit them in the pocketbook"
It's time for a boycott. When management sees open tables at lunch time on
Friday, it'll begin to sink in. After all, what they want is revenue from
their "young whipper-snapper" manager. The history and culture are irrelevant
as long as revenue is KING.
What's Gilberto doing now? Perhaps it's time to Bring him gack somewhere else.
Ed Bourgeois
 | From: tp-nola@cox.net
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 2:36 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
We have been loyal fans of Gilberto and Galatoire's for 18 years, and are sick
about this. We have not been there since he was fired, and have no plans to
return unless he is brought back. This is a shame as we have entertained lots
of family, friends, and business associates there over the years, spending
plenty of money. I believe this whole sham was made up by other Galatoire's
employees who are simply jealous of the loyal following Gilberto has amassed
by doing a superb job. Maybe these other employees think they will now inherit
Gilberto's customers - NOT HAPPENING!!
Tricia & Tom Potter
214 Hector Ave.
Metairie, LA 70005
 | From: Nolanash@aol.com [mailto:Nolanash@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 11:30 AM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: Gilberto
Bring Back Gilberto. Ron Ruiz |
 | From: Peter Brennan [mailto:Peter.Brennan@RIAG.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 8:39 AM
To: 'bringhimback@welovegilberto.com'
Cc: 'Carla Martin@aol.com'
Subject: Gilberto
I visit New Orleans several times a year and Gilberto has been my regular
waiter for sometime. I would very much like to see Gilberto return to
Galatoire's as he has always made eating at the restaurant an even more
special occasion for me. Thank you.
Peter Brennan
Galatoire's cardholder |
 | From: Ewingbetsy@aol.com [mailto:Ewingbetsy@aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 12:49 PM
To: Bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: No Subject
Is it true that Gilberto is now working at Commanders? I keep hearing that bit
of news! BE |
 | From: Carey Homra [chomra@sbphillips.com]
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 1:55 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: Bring Back Gilberto
It would be a travesty if Gilberto was not allowed back to work. Galatoire's
and the city of New Orleans would just not be the same. Bring him back!!
 | From: Ewingbetsy@aol.com
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 2:43 PM
To: Bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: Gilberto-what else?
I want to add my name to the 500-plus names anxious to have Gilberto back. I
have been a customer of Galatoire's for MANY years, and a customer of
Gilberto's for as long as he has been there. BRING HIM BACK!!!!!
Betsy Ewing
 | From: Pegfarlow@aol.com
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 3:25 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: (no subject)
Everytime my husband and I go to Galatoire's we always request Gilberto for
our waiter. He is consistently courteous, kind, efficient - a professional in
every way. I can't imagine Galatoire's without him.
Peggy and Billy C Farlow |
 | From: CRobertNow@aol.com
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 7:23 PM
To: bringhimback@welovegilberto.com
Subject: Dining at Galatoire's
I've had the good fortune to experience the knowledgeable, efficient, totally
unpretentious wait-service of Gilberto Eyzaguirre on most every occasion I've
dined at Galatoire's over the past few years. I can't imagine, short of
selling recipes, what infraction he could have committed that warrants his
dismissal. I suggest Galatoire's management do themselves and his legion of
fans a favor, allow him to apologize for his misdeeds, and hire him back, muy
pronto. Sincerely, C. Robert Holloway 504-525-8489 323-656-5810 |

This page was last updated on
08/19/2002 11:09 PM
This site is in no way affiliated with Galatoire's
