The 2nd Battle Of New Orleans

[This site is presented for archival purposes only and is not being updated on a regular basis.
Last Updated: 12/27/10.]



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The Decline of a New Orleans Institution

bulletACT 1 Shock
bulletScene 1
bulletGalatoire's management dismisses Gilberto
bulletScene 2
bulletHis fans start a letter writing campaign
bulletScene 3
bulletBound copies of 130 letters are presented to all known owners
bulletScene 4
bulletFriends of Gilberto open a web site
bulletScene 5
bulletThe letters are posted for all to see


bulletACT 2 Disbelief
bulletScene 1
bulletWill Gilberto be rehired?
bulletScene 2
bulletWill the Board support the Management and piss off hundreds of customers?
bulletScene 3
bulletWhat will crazed fans do next???


bulletACT 3 Anger
bulletScene 1
bulletPendulum fell off the Galatoire's clock on the Sunday of the Times Picayune article.  The clock stopped for the first time in modern history.
bulletScene 2
bulletCeiling of Galatoire's reportedly flooded with dozens of "We Love Gilberto" helium balloons.
bulletScene 3
bulletThe Galatoire's Monologues. A reading of the actual letters written to the restaurant in protest of Gilberto's firing.


bulletACT 4 New Traditions

Scene 1

A potential boycott never materialized; however, many unhappy regulars return less frequently and with less enthusiasm.


Scene 2

Galatoire’s experiences a record summer business as old and new customers flock to see what all the fuzz was about.


Scene 3

Galatoire’s staff field dozens of Gilberto questions daily to the point of exhaustion.


Scene 4

The Bombay Club, three blocks from Galatoire’s, hires Gilberto in late August 2002. As word of his new employment spreads, fans begin to call The Bombay Club for reservations.


bulletACT 5 A Jazz Funeral For Galatoire's?

It was a long hot miserable summer.  New Orleanians suffered through the heat, the humidity, the West Nile virus, closed brake tag stations, and a Galatoire’s without Gilberto. All this and no chipped ice would challenge even Job. Will it ever end?


This site page last updated on 08/28/2002 09:24 PM
This site is in no way affiliated with Galatoire's